The Face 脸
• eye, nose, mouth, ear, cheek, chin, nostril, eyebrow, eyelid, eyelash, lips.
Mouth - you use your mouth to talk, to eat and to breathe.
Nose - You can smell things with your nose. You can also breathe through your nose.
Nostrils - these are the two holes in your nose
The Arm and Hand 胳膊和手
• finger, palm, wrist, forearm, elbow, upper arm, shoulder, thumb
The Hand and Fingers 手和手指
• hand 手
• thumb 拇指
• index finger 食指
• middle finger 中指
• ring finger 无名指
• little finger 小拇指
• nail 指甲
• knuckle 指关节
The Leg and Foot 腿和脚
• knee, leg, shin, calf (muscle), ankle, heel, foot, toe
ankle - the joint between your leg and your foot.
Internal Parts of the Body 体内的器官
heart - your heart pumps your blood around your body. 心脏—心脏负责往全身输送血液
lungs - when you breathe, the air goes into your lungs. 肺—呼吸时,空气会进入肺部
veins - these transport blood through your body. They are like little tubes.
brain - this is your 'thinking machine' inside your head. 大脑—这是你的“思考机器”
throat - food goes down this to get to your stomach. 咽喉—食物从这里进入胃部
liver - the organ that cleans your blood. 肝脏—可以清洁血液的器官。
stomach - your food goes here when you swallow it. 胃—吞下食物后,食物就会到胃里。
kidneys - the organs that process all your body waste. 肾脏—处理体内垃圾的器官
skeleton - all of the bones in your body. 骨骼—身体内的所有骨头
ribs - these are the bones that protect the organs in your chest. 肋骨—保护胸腔器官的骨头
bones - your skeleton consists of many bones. There are about 206 in your body. 骨头—骨骼包含许多骨头,人体中越有206根骨头。
skin - it covers almost the entire body and helps keep all the organs and muscles in place. 皮肤—皮肤几乎覆盖整个人体,可以固定所有器官和肌肉的位置。
Other Parts of the Body 人体的其他部分
Here is a list of some other parts of the body that have not been included above.
• head - face - hair - tongue - tooth - back - waist - chest - hip - thigh - muscles
头 - 脸 - 头发 - 舌头 - 牙齿 - 背 - 腰 - 胸部 - 臀部 - 大腿 - 肌肉
neck - this connects your head with your shoulders and the rest of your body.
tongue - the muscle at the bottom of your mouth that tastes things and helps you pronounce words
wrinkles - the lines in your skin caused by age. Old people have a lot of wrinkles.