9天搞定SAT阅读-Day 9 Summary and Review

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编辑点评: 9天搞定SAT阅读不是梦,跟着沪江坚持9天,一起见证奇迹吧!




1 Interviewing candidates for a job can be a
2 painfully difficult process. Can you imagine
3 any other situation where you would be forced
4 to make a character judgement on a person who
5 you have only known for a handful of minutes?
6 To make things worse, candidates tend to
7 dress themselves up by taking classes on how
8 to handle interviewers and respond to questions
9 with cookie-cutter answers and half-witted,
10 long-winded responses to simple questions.
11 All we really want is a little honesty - is
12 that so much to ask for? Apparently so. Just
13 to illustrate this point, I have interviewed
14 over fifteen candidates in the past two months
15 for a single position, and only one of them
16 lasted more than two weeks. Two weeks! Maybe
17 I'm just a poor judge of character, but
18 maybe there is something to this problem of
19 assessing a person in forty-five short minutes.




1. Based on lines 1-5, what is the author's attitude toward the process of interviews and job applications?

A. He believes it is an integral component of the employment process

B. He believes it is needless and a waste of time

C. He commends it for its accuracy in determining a worker's value

D. He questions its usefulness as a tool for assessment

E. He feels that it is too short in length





D项:正确, 文中"...painfully difficult process... character judgment on a handful..."这句话表明,作者质疑面试过程是否是一个有效评价面试者的方式。



2. On line 7, the phrase "dress themselves up" is most similar in meaning to:

A. put clothes on

B. understate

C. procreate

D. misinterpret

E. embellish


第一步:确定上下文:"candidates tend to dress themselves up..."

第二步:这句话的意思是面试者over-state their credentials。

第三步:从选项中找出 "over-stating credentials"的同义词:embellish。



3. Which of the following is most similar to the "long-winded responses" on line 10?

A. Repeated political campaign speech

B. Emotional love letter

C. Legal document

D. Sports Magazine

E. Candid interview

第一步:先问自己,问题真正想问什么?这一题是找出选项中与 "long-winded response"意义相近的词。

第二步:理解long-winded response的意思。他的意思是,啰嗦的回答,不简洁,说不到重点。



4. How would the author likely respond to the idea that simple body language reveals much about a person's inner thoughts and emotions?

A. It is further evidence to avoid interviews

B. It is an example of why interviews should always be part of the application process

C. Body language alone cannot determine a person's psyche

D. Body language is too complex for most people to understand

E. It should decrease the overall time required for assessment


选项 A, B, D, E都不正确,因为文中没有相关描述。"Forty-five minutes"表示面试的局限性,以及作者对面试的态度。


1. His one vice was gluttony and so it is not surprising that as he aged he became increasingly ____ .

A. emaciated    B. despondent    C. corpulent

D. carping    E. lithe

2. Our once thriving High School Nature Club is now ____ ; the progams have had to be cancelled due to lack of support.

A. defunct    B. extant    C. resurgent

D. burgeoning    E. renovated

3. Having been chief accountant for so many years, Ms. George felt herself to be ____ and was unwilling to ____ control of the department after the merger.

A. slighted - truncate    B. irreplaceable - assume    C. insubordinate - retain

D. decisive - continue    E. indispensable - relinquish

4. Because Elaine's father was a field entomologist who trekked over the continent studying insect infestations, and insisted on taking his young family with him, Elaine and her brother had a(n) ____ childhood.

A. idyllic    B. itinerant    C. sedentary

D. propitious    E. equable

5. Frederica was ____ when her supervisor took only a ___ look at her essay over which she had taken so much care.

A. exultant - superficial    B. vexed - studious    C. disappointed - cursory

D. pleased - patronizing    E. relieved - perfunctory

6. When he was young he ____ ideas of becoming a doctor; however, he was ____ by his father who wanted him to join the family business.

A. harbored - backed    B. entertained - dissuaded    C. produced - critical

D. repudiated - deterred    E. eschewed - encouraged

7. Literary criticism has in recent years become increasingly ____ ; it is almost impossible for the non-literary person to understand its analyses.

A. abstruse    B. accessible    C. colloquial

D. wide-ranging    E. professional

8. The alchemists, though they are often supposed to have been ____ or confidence tricksters, were actually skilful technologists.

A. empiricists    B. polemicists    C. pragmatists

D. theorists    E. charlatans

9. Bullock carts and hand pumps seem ____ in a village whose skyline is dominated by telephone cables and satellite dishes.

A. anachronisms    B. exigencies    C. diversions

D. provocations    E. portents

10. A ____ child, she was soon bored in class; she already knew more mathematics than her junior school teachers.

A. obdurate    B. querulous    C. precocious

D. recalcitrant    E. contemporary 

答案请戳:9天搞定SAT阅读-Day 9 Summary and Review 【练习答案】

上期文章:9天搞定SAT阅读-Day 8 Extension Questions



