SAT I 一日一问:2013年3月15日

 来源:    要点:SAT真题  
编辑点评: Collegeboard每天在其官方网站上公布一道SAT I考试的问题,供考生练习。你有没有答对?看看答案和解释是什么?

The Correct answer is C.


Segment line C D is a radius of the large semicircle, and it is also a diameter of the shaded circle, so the radius of the large semicircle is equal to twice the radius of the shaded circle. Let r be the radius of the shaded circle. Then 2 times r is the radius of the large semicircle, and so the area of the semicircle is (pi times (2 times r)^2) over 2 = (4 times pi times r^2) over 2 = 2 times pi times r^2. This area is given as 24, and so the area of the shaded circle is (pi times r^2) = (2 times pi times r^2) over 2 = 24 over 2 = 12.



