SAT I 一日一问:2013年8月15日

所属专题:SAT每日一问  来源:    要点:SAT真题  
编辑点评: Collegeboard每天在其官方网站上公布一道SAT I考试的问题,供考生练习。你有没有答对?看看答案和解释是什么?

The correct answer is C


Choice (C) is correct. A square with sides of length 3 has area 9, and a square with sides of length 6 has area 36. Thus at most 36/9=4 squares of side length  3 can fit inside a square of side length  6 without overlapping. And in fact, it is possible to fit the four squares of side length 3 inside a square of side length 6 with no overlap; if the four squares with sides of length 3 are arranged in two rows with two squares in each row, they will fit inside of the square with sides of length 6 without overlapping. Therefore, the maximum number of nonoverlapping squares with sides of length 3 that will fit inside of a square with sides of length 6 is four.




