SAT I 一日一问:2014年7月18日

所属专题:出国留学  来源:    要点:SAT官方题目  
编辑点评: SAT出题者Collegeboard每天在其官方网站上贴出一道SAT I考试的问题,供考生练习。让我们来看一下你是否有能力回答对这些SAT的问题呢?一起来试试吧~

Writing > Improving Sentences

Part or all of the following sentence is underlined; beneath the sentence are five ways of phrasing the underlined material. Select the option that produces the best sentence. If you think the original phrasing produces a better sentence than any of the alternatives, select choice A.

Upon winning her third gold medal at the competition, the young athlete learned that her accomplishments had surpassed her coach’s, a former track star.

(A) her coach's

(B) her coach

(C) those of her coach

(D) those done by her coach

(E) those of her coach's 





