SAT I 一日一问:2014年8月15日

所属专题:出国留学  来源:    要点:SAT官方题目  
编辑点评: SAT出题者Collegeboard每天在其官方网站上贴出一道SAT I考试的问题,供考生练习。让我们来看一下你是否有能力回答对这些SAT的问题呢?一起来试试吧~

The correct answer is A


In the question, you are told that 7 gallons of gasoline can plow 3 acres and you are asked to find how many acres, call it x, can be plowed by 16 gallons. You can set up a ratio of the number of gallons of gasoline used to the number of acres plowed. Therefore, you have 7 over 3 = 16 over x. Cross-multiplying and solving for x gives you the answer of x = 48 over 7 acres, or 6 and (6 over 7) acres.




