2014年6-7月托福独立写作预测—— 帅付母题训练法!

所属专题:托福写作备考全集合  来源:    要点:托福机经  
编辑点评: 为帮助广大托福备考的同学们,沪江留学特邀请托福写作名师付英东老师给大家提供了2014年6月-7月托福独立写作预测--帅付母题训练法!希望大家能够灵活运用,获取高分~







最重点母题—The intertwined relation between the past, the present and the future

一句提点:Under this theme, we are to discuss the path to a better development, the influence of the past and whether today’s achievements are positive.

1. People will spend less time in cooking or preparing food in twenty years than nowadays.
2. To solve the problems of the present and the future, people should review the past.
3. People in the past are more interested in improving their neighborhood (the area where they live) than now.
4. The rapid growth of cities in today's world is a mostly positive development for the society.
5. Nowadays, neighbors depend on each other less than the people in the past.
6. Nowadays it's easier to maintain health than the past.
7. Past people are friendlier than they are today.
8. The most important problem that affects the society today will be solved during my life time.

最重点母题—What is good for business?

一句提点:To thrive in your walk of life! To thrive your lfie!

1. Employees who always follow their supervisor’s instructions are more valuable to their companies than employees who try to find new or better ways.
2. It is important for people to present their talents and abilities to influential people or potential employers.

最重点母题—Have the young changed?

一句提点:Society has formed changes on youth. Should we be concerned, or should we encourage them to embrace such changes?

1. Modern society has become more complex, so it is essential for the young people to have the ability to plan and organize.
2. Young people today are more likely to give time and effort to improve the world than young people were in the past.
3. Young people today are more likely to help others than young people in the past.
4. Younger people spend more time on improving the world than in the past.





