
所属专题:托福听力  来源:    要点:托福听力  
编辑点评: 在托福考试中,判断出托福听力对话双方所指的事务,有助于考生进一步缩小答案范围,是屡试不爽的方法,下面这篇文章为大家介绍了托福听力涉及远程教育的对话内容,通过对这篇对话的了解,可以迅速总结出这类对话的涉及内容。



Hi, Lynn. I saw you at registration yesterday. I sailed right through, but you were standing in a long line.

Yeah. I waited an hour to sign up for a distance-learning course.

Distance learning? Never heard of it.

Well, it’s new this semester. It’s only open to psychology majors. But I bet it’ll catch on else where. Yesterday, over a hundred students signed up.

Well, what is it?

It’s an experimental course. I registered for child psychology. All I have got to do is watch a twelve-week series of televised lessons. The department shows them seven different times a day and in seven different locations.

Don’t you ever have to meet with professor?

Yeah. After each part of the series I have to talk to her and the other students on the phone, you know, about our ideas. Then we’ll meet on campus three times for reviews and exams.

It sounds pretty non-traditional to me. But I guess it makes sense, considering how many students have jobs. It must really help with their schedules, not to mention how it will cut down on traffic.

You know, last year my department did a survey and they found out that 80 percent of all psychology majors were employed. That’s why they came up with the program.

Look, I’ll be working three days a week next semester and it was either cut back on my classes or try this out.

The only thing is: doesn’t it seem impersonal though? I mean, I miss having class discussions and hearing what other people think.

Well, I guess that’s why phone contact’s important. Any way, it’s an experiment.

Maybe I’ll end up hating it.

Maybe. But I’ll be curious to see how it works up.





