新托福考试阅读练习资料:Hand Gestures

所属专题:托福学习资料  来源:    要点:托福阅读  
编辑点评: 新托福阅读的提高在于大家要不断做真题练习、积累自己做题的感觉,并且要在对过答案以后对错题进行分析,得出自己错在哪里,避免下次再犯。本文为大家例举一篇托福阅读真题,供大家了解和学习。


You know, radio is a great thing. Here I am! Flying high above the earth, but my voice is coming across just as if I were sitting in front of you. Communicating by voice alone has its drawbacks, though.

For example, I can’t use hand gestures to clarify what I mean. And, as it turns out, that makes a big difference. Researchers at the University of Otago in New Zealand wanted to know how much a relevant hand gesture helps to communicate an idea. They had volunteers watch video clips of a woman saying different simple phrases, such as “the square box,” or “peel the banana.”

In some, she simply said the phrase without moving her hands. Peel the banana. In others, she made the kind of hand gesture most of us would make when saying that–a sort of banana-peeling mime that matches the content of the phrase. In a third group, she made gestures with her hands that were unrelated to what she was saying.

The results? People who got the matching content hand gestures remembered those phrases more effectively than folks who got just the words alone. And folks who got just the words alone did better than folks who got irrelevant hand gestures!

What does this show us? We already knew that all the hand-waving we do when we speak isn’t just nervous energy; it serves various functions. Apparently, one of them is to help the listener remember what you’ve said.





