托福阅读:Long commute?

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The further you commute the more you are likely to earn, new figures from the Office for National Statistics reveal.

Those travelling more than 60 minutes earn an average of £18.80 an hour - almost double the £9.60 earned by those who travel for less than 15 minutes.

Three quarters of people take less than half an hour to get to work across the UK except for London where more than half of workers - 56 per cent - take longer than 30 minutes.

A staggering 91 per cent of commuters outside the capital make their way into work without the use of public transport - in London that figure is 60 per cent with the rest using buses, the Tube and trains.

Based on figures for the last three months of 2009, the statistics showed that 59 per cent of all workers in the UK worked and lived in the same local authority district.

While 75 per cent of UK workers take 30 minutes or less to reach workplaces, as many as 56 per cent of Londoners take more than half an hour, figures from the Office for National Statistics showed today.

Only 9 per cent of workers outside London take more than 45 minutes on their daily commute but the figure for Londoners is 36 per cent.

Also, working full-time rather than part-time, and working in a high-skill (manager and professionals) rather than low-skill (elementary) occupation, were associated with long commutes to work.





