
所属专题:托福学习资料  来源:    要点:托福阅读  
编辑点评: 大家一定已经看了非常多关于托福阅读的考试复习方法、应试技巧等内容,这里就为大家例举一些典型的托福阅读材料,大家来测测自己目前的水平如何?平时的积累和复习有没有达到目的?!


Prior to a giant eruption thousands of years ago, the volcanic island of Santorini is said to have had a circular shape - much like Plato's account of Atlantis.

The legendary island in the middle of the Atlantic, first popularized by Plato, has become synonymous with the idea of a lost civilization.

The Greek philosopher's account of a prosperous and cultured city disappearing into the ocean has captured the popular imagination and prompted many theories about its real-life location.

While many Atlantis-hunters have directed their attentions beneath the sea, one of the strongest contenders is only partially submerged.

According to some archaeologists, the volcanic Greek island of Santorini, in the Aegean sea, was half sunk following an eruption thousands of years ago.

The island is also thought to have been a home of the Minoans, a super-advanced race who predate the ancient Greeks and are argued to have provided the basis for Plato's description.

Today, the arid but wonderfully scenic island retains the ancient Greek penchant for wine making and is a popular stop-off destination for sailors seeking a tipple on their way back to the mainland.




