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When Yu Bingbing, a 28-year-old market research manager, is on her way to work in central Beijing each morning, she always cannot help feeling anxious about whether she has locked the door of her apartment and turned off the gas.28岁的于冰冰是某公司市场调研部经理,每天清晨上班的途中,她总会不由自主地感到焦虑:“房门是不是锁了,煤气是不是关了?”

"I'm usually wrestling with these feelings for the entire day," Yu said. 于冰冰说:“我经常一整天都在同这些情绪斗争。”

Working at an international pharmaceutical firm, Yu looks older than she is and her heavily made-up face always has an exhausted look. 现任职于某国际制药公司的她,看上去要比实际年龄成熟得多,画着浓妆的脸上总是带着疲惫的神情。

"Since I have been promoted to a managerial position, I lose my temper with my parents and husband more frequently just because of some trivial things," she said, adding that slight wrinkles and acne on her face have irritated her even more, and even luxury cosmetics cannot help her. 她说:“自从升为管理层后,我频频因为一点小事就对父母和老公大动肝火。”

"I have to work six days a week and don't even have extra off time when I'm sick," she said. "I have to push myself to become a workaholic since the competition in my company is really fierce and I also have to pay a 5,000 yuan monthly mortgage, besides saving a certain amount of money for my planned baby." 她说:“我每周必须工作6天,即使生病时也不例外。我必须强迫自己变成一个工作狂,因为公司里的竞争实在是太激烈了。我每月要偿还5000元按揭贷款,还要为将来生宝宝攒钱。”

Life is like riding on a rollercoaster for Yu and many other members of China's post-80s generation, the first generation born after the introduction of the family-planning policy and the group to benefit most from the country's opening-up policy and its booming economy. 对于于冰冰和其他的中国80后来说,生活就像是在坐过山车。他们是实施计划生育政策后的第一代生人,在改革开放、经济腾飞的大潮中,他们是受益最大的群体。

Being the only child in their family, and without much to trouble them during their youth, most of them were taken good care of or even spoiled by their parents and grandparents. 作为独生子女,他们青春时代可谓一帆风顺,大多数人都得到父母以及祖父母的精心照料,甚至是娇宠。

Having such a relatively carefree youth - when this generation reached adulthood and had to cope with soaring prices, the high cost of raising children and intense competition in the workplace - they suffered a rude awakening. 当慢慢长大成人时,他们必须应对飞涨的物价、抚养子女的高昂开销以及职场中的激烈竞争;曾经无忧无虑,漫步青春的他们此时如同大梦初醒意识到现实的残酷。

According to statistics, the population of China's post-80s generation is over 200 million. The media usually refers to them as "slaves" to property, credit cards, children and marriage. 据统计,中国80后一代人口数量已超过2亿。媒体经常将他们比作“房奴”、“卡奴”,“孩奴”和“婚奴”。

According to the "White Book on the Health Condition of China`s Urban White-Collar Workers", 76 percent of white-collar workers in China`s major cities are in worse than average health, with nearly 60 percent being over-fatigued.《中国城市白领健康状况白皮书》显示,中国大城市中有76%的白领处于亚健康状态,其中近6成人有过度疲劳症状。



