新托福阅读材料汇总:Technology in Tourism

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As a tourism business you cannot ignore technology. If you do, within a few years it's likely that you won't be in business any more.

Tourism has consistently been the highest performing category of online sales - and it continues to grow dramatically. In 2003 ordinary consumers in Europe spent 12.5 billion - billion - Euros (£9 billion) online on holidays. By 2006 this had more than doubled, rising to 26.9 billion Euros (£20 billion).

Why do customers use the internet?

There are a number of reasons consumers like using the internet to buy holidays, travel and related products. This is what customers themselves say:

1. "It's easy." Customers can keep on searching for exactly what they want just by clicking. No waiting for brochures or making phone calls. No feeling committed because they've spoken to a human. If the tourism product - or the other things to do and see in the area - aren't right, they just move on. For international customers particularly, the internet lowers barriers: they can take their time over descriptions, do online currency conversions and check their travel arrangements before committing.

2. "It's 24 hour." Customers can search and book when it suits them, all from the comfort of their own home, with a mug of coffee or a glass of wine.

3. "The whole party can get involved." There's no dragging the kids to the travel agents, or tearing pages out of a brochure to send to Aunty Jean. Groups of friends in different places can all look at the same thing, at the same time, making it easy to confer.

4."You can see what you're getting." In the past, a holiday was one of those things you couldn't try before you buy. Now you can look at lots of pictures and, importantly, read reviews of people who've been there before. This comfort factor - of seeing what you're going to get and being reassured by recommendations - is a major driver in turning browsers to bookers.

5."You can plan all the different elements." Day to day life has never been busier. When people take a break they want to feel they've got the most out of it. The internet gives them the power to research where they are going to stay, where they might eat, the places they might visit, the opening times, prices and routes. Even if they don't book it all in advance, this power to 'visualise' their stay is another key driver in actually making the purchase.

6. "You can get a good deal." Tourism consumers are no different to any other, they want the right product, at the right price. This doesn't mean they want the cheapest - most customers are prepared to pay, within their budget, for the right quality and service - but they do want to feel reassured they aren't paying over the odds. The internet easily allows them to compare prices and feel confident they are getting the right deal.



