
所属专题:托福口语  来源:    要点:托福口语  
编辑点评: 托福口语的话题涉及的范围是比较广泛的,包括了生活类的、文化艺术类的、科技类的等等,本文就这几个类型为大家分析一下托福口语的真题,大家平时也可以根据文中的分析自己学会积累这些话题。



【讲课要点】:生物学理论: plant invasion. 一种新树到新的ecosystem中会destroy the ecosystem


1. 一种树,本来是来解决问题的,问题是解决了,但是造成了新问题:来了后,长得太高了,导致其他树晒不到阳光了

2. 一种树,非常attractive,但是use lots of water, other trees can not survive。.


The lecture tells us that plants can be totally harmless most of the time. But when inappropriately brought into an environment, plants can also cause disasters by breaking ecological balance in local areas, which is biologically identified as plant invasion. Then the professor goes on to explain that by giving two examples. One is that a tree was introduced into South Africa for the purpose of stabilizing the local sand dunes. The tree fulfilled its task very successfully, but the bad news is that the tree grew so tall that they left very little sunlight for their neighboring plants. Threatened by this intruder, many plants started to lose their former territory. Another example is about a tree which was brought into Western United States for its good appearance. It seems not so large, but it has very developed root system, so it absorbed twice the water as other plants of similar size. Also, it reproduced very fast. With its rapid growing, many other local plants gradually died out because of lack of essential water resource.

在这场关于生物学的讲座中,professor通过以两种不同特点的树为例,解释了生物学理论: plant invasion。





