Practicing a sport is a popular leisure activity. It is known that people who do physical exercises keep fit and healthy. Moreover, taking up a sport has also many psychological advantages. First, it relieves the stresses of everyday life and second it helps individuals identify with a group and replace their loneliness with a security of belonging. While choosing a sport discipline which is particularly suitable for us we have to take into consideration our age, fitness, state of health and mood. Sometimes it is very difficult, but there is a very simple solution of this problem - which is basketball.
I think that basketball is the most universal sport in term of everything. Furthermore it is a suitable sport discipline for everyone including children and adults. Everyone should be able to go in for, because this sport discipline does not require any specializations and qualifications at all. Although basketball came into being in1891, it is already very well known all over the World.
If you want to practice basketball professionally you have to play at court. But of course if you practice it just for fun, you can play it on yard near your house or in some other cement spaces.
Although you already have a cement space you need something more. The name ‘basketball ’should tell you that you also need a ball and a basket. But the basket is not the usual one - it is a metal ring with a net on it, situated at the backboard. The backboard is situated at the backboard support at about 3.05 meters high.
Basketball is very universal in term of clothes. You do not need to wear any special clothes, though you should dress casually ( for example by wearing T-shirts and shorts ). Only trainers are essential - like for many other sports.
Besides ball, yard and clothes you need something more, or I should rather say someone more. Playing basketball on your own may be very boring and tiring. On the whole basketball is a game between two teams, so you should play with your friends, who on the other hand are your opponents while playing this game.
The object of playing basketball is very simple. You just have to throw a ball into the opponent’s basket as often as you can. Throwing a ball is then scored by a scorer.
Playing basketball is especially easy in term of rules. The match is played between two teams. In each of them there are ten players. Five of them are substitutes. The match lasts for four quarters (by ten minutes each). In the middle of the match there is a 15 minutes half-time.
Every throw to the basket is pointed. If you throw from the three points lane you get one point. All the other throws are pointed for two points.
The match is refereed by two referees on the court. There is also a timekeeper, clock operator and a scorer- so generally the match is refereed by five referees.
The most important thing you should always remember about is to dribble your ball on the ground and keep dribbling it as long as you can. If you want to move around the court you must always dribble your ball- you must not keep the ball in your hands while moving. If you stop dribbling the ball you have to throw it into the opponent’s basket or pass it to another player.
Fouls in basketball- like in all sports are banned. You must not block, push and use your hands improperly. During the match each player can commit five fouls. Each more is punished by two free throws.
Famous basketball players like Michael Jordan, Kevin Garnett and others spend many hours practicing basketball every day. As they say they are very strict with themselves when playing basketball. Their main life’s motto is to practice as often as they can.
It is known that if somebody wants to be a good player, he has to exercise a lot, because ‘practice makes perfect’. Not only does this old and wise proverb refers to basketball, but also to many other sports disciplines.
My favorite sport is basketball because I think it is easy and fun. First, I love this game because of Yao Ming. He is one of the biggest stars in the NBA. His unusual height, 7-foot-5-inch, is awesome! Also, the object of playing basketball is very simple. One just has to dribble his ball on the ground and throw it into the opponent’s basket. Besides, basketball is a game between two teams. In each of them there are ten players. So I can play with my friends and share happiness.
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