托福口语Task 4 & 6 解题框架笔记

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编辑点评: 托福口语中,task 4与task 6通常都是academic lecture,也是对英语综合应用能力的全面考察题型——通过“读-听-说”的考试形式,更是体现了ETS根据母语的学习思路设计的出题思路。那么,作为非母语的学习者,怎样才能更轻松、更完美的回答这样的题目呢?不妨一起来学习下。

Task 4

Task 4涉及到一个学术概念,听力中教授用1-2个例子说明了这个概念。


① 概念定义,用自己的话说明某个概念,技巧:看到诸如 “this is known as”, “this is referred to as”, “this is called”, “people call this”, “people refer to this as”等类似表达的时候 , 此表达的前边一句话 , 很可能便是阅读中概念的定义句。

② 例子

③ 说明这个例子和概念的关系,这也是很多同学4题只能拿到Fair的原因,因为少了这句话。


① 概念只需要一句话就可以, 用时保证在10-15s

② 例子只需要summary便可以,不用引用过多细节。适当加入小细节可以展示获取信息能力,但是矫枉过正就得不偿失了

③ 一定要简单概括这个例子和概念的关系

④ 如果听力部分的例子中出现专有名词(如植物名和动物名), 可以用诸如 a kind of plant和 a kind of bird之类的短语表达 , 不会说专有名词不会造成扣分

⑤ 想要口语高分一定要用自己的话来总结概念和例子,同时说出例子和概念的关系。



Perceptual Constancy

How an object affects our senses depends in part on external conditions, and these conditions are always changing. Anobject viewed from one angle presents a different shape to our eyes than when viewed from another angle; similarly, as the distance from which we view anobject changes, the object will appear larger or smaller. In spite of this,even as conditions change and we see objects differently, we still recognizethat they remain the same. This is what is known as perceptual constancy. If not for perceptual constancy, we might have difficulty recognizing familiar objects if we viewed them in a new and different context.



Let’stake an everyday example an ordinary round plate like you’d find in akitchen. If you hold the plate directly in front of your face and look at it,what shape do you see? A perfect circle, right?

Supposeyou tilt the plate to a different angle, to a horizontal position,like you’re planning to put food on it, still a perfect circle? No! The circleis now stretched out, flattened into an oval. Do you conclude the platehad actually changed shape? Or that it’s a different object, not the sameplate? Of course not! It looks different, but we perceive it as stillbeing the same.
Here’sa different example. This classroom we’re in. It’s fairly large, right?

Now,from up close, from the front row, I appear to be relatively big, bigger than if you’re in the last row, right? But let’s say you’re sittingin the front row today but tomorrow you’re sitting in the backrow. From back there I’m going to look smaller, but you don’t think I’veactually gotten smaller. You don’t think you’re seeing a different professor, aguy who looks like me except he’s smaller. No matter where you are, upclose or far away, you understand without even thinking about it, thatI’m the same size, the same person.

从 This is what is knownas perceptual constancy.我们知道前面一句话就是Perceptual constancy的定义,even asconditions change and we see objects differently, we still recognize that theyremain the same.


1) kitchen plate角度不同,一个circle, 一个 oval。

2) 在教室距离不一样,professor看起来体积不一样。


1)The first example shows that the shape ofthe plate changes, but because of the concept of perceptual constancy, we don’tthink we have two plates.

2) The second example shows that althoughthe professor seems to have different sizes in the two situations, again,because of perceptual constancy, we know he’s the same person.

Perceptualconstancy is the phenomenon that however the external conditions that affectour perception of an object, we still recognize it.

Accordingto the professor, there’re two examples of this. The first one is about angle.When you hold a plate upright to your face, you see a perfect circle.But if a plate is placed horizontally, it stretched out, flattenedinto an oval. Anyway, no matter what shape we see, we always know thatit’s the same plate. Another example is about distance. We all knowthat if someone is far away from us, they appear smaller. Otherwisethey appear bigger and taller. So if a student sits in the front row, he’ll see a bigger and taller professor. But if he sits in the back,he will see a smaller professor. Bigger or smaller, he still knows thatit’s the same professor. And that’s how perceptual constancy works. (158)

Wordmatters (ID:testcrackers







