托福口语话题:学科/比赛/兴趣爱好/休闲方式 万能口语回答句

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编辑点评: 托福口语考试中你可能会遇到各种各样的话题,而面对这些话题你或许可能会有各种各样的回答,但是有一些回家对于同一话题来来说或许可能通用。所以在托福口语的备考过程当中,你可以尽量多的去整理一些相同话题的回答佳句,这对你的托福口语提分会很有帮助。


Although there are many kinds of subjects, my priority is PE lesson.
The reasons why I am so fascinated with PE lesson can be best summarized as the followings. It is quite convincing to say that the most significant reason consists in the fact that it can keep you as fit as a fiddle. From my own perspective, I think health is the most important aspect to our life. By doing some exercises in PE lesson, we can not only relax from our heavy study pressure, but also we can have a perfect figure. What’s more, when we are talking about PE lessons, it is impossible not to mention the spirit of “persistence” which we can learn from the games in PE lesson. You know, when we are playing football, everyone tries their best. The truth is that as long as we persist, we will finally win the game no matter how tough it is.




