托福独立口语入门段真题训练 Advertisements have too much influence on what people buy

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编辑点评: 托福口语是中国考生普遍低分的单项,下面我们来看一篇比较简单的托福真题:Advertisements have too much influence on what people buy.刚接触托福或基础较弱的童鞋可以充分利用这篇的参考答案和笔记,做好练习与反思。


Do you agree with the following statement? Advertisements have too much influence on what people buy.
I agree. Today, many companies are investing heavily in advertising and grabbing the customer's attention. Hence, the effect advertising has on what people buy is undeniable.
One of the primary reasons for this is that advertising provides an atmosphere within which people can become familiar with a new product. It is obvious that no-one ever buys a product they are unaware of. Advertising is the bridge between company and customer. Once aware of a product, the customer thinks about it and consequently feels a need to own/consume it.
Additionally, advertising has the potential to change the public’s perspective and beliefs. Many psychologists have explained that when an audience watches an advertisement over and over, after a while he or she accepts the product. This may happen even when the person did not initially hold the product in high regard. This is the the best evidence of the power of advertising.
Advertisement definitely has a huge influence on what people buy. 广告对人们购买的影响是不可否认的。 R1: provides an atmosphere for expenditure 一种熟悉新产品的消费氛围 R2: change the people's perspective and beliefs 改变公众的观点和信仰
grabbing someone’s attention 抓住某人的注意力 undeniable 不可否认的 consume 消费 消耗 over and over 反复;再三 holds sth in high regard 对某事的重视 aware of 意识到,知道




