托福独立口语考察考生对各类话题的独立观点表达,主要包括task1和task2两个部分,task2一般会要求考生从给定选项中做出自己认为合适的选择并给出理由。托福独立口语的考察涉及各类话题,教育类是和大多数童鞋关联密切的一个常考话题,下面我们来看一道托福口语task2教育类真题剖析:Your university will sponsor one of the following activities for students: an outdoor camping night, a music festival for students to experience the local culture, or a computer game competition in the dormitory. Which one do you think would best establish new friendships and solidarity among students? Why?您的大学将为学生举办以下活动之一:户外露营夜,音乐节为学生体验当地文化,或在宿舍参加电脑游戏比赛。你认为哪一个能更好的建立新的友谊和团结的学生,为什么?
I have to say that an outdoor camping night is the best activity, as it would help students enhance their personal relationships and make friends.
An outdoor camping night teaches students to be cooperative and united. Sometimes camping and its associated activities present students with challenges. Often these are challenges that they don’t deal with on a daily basis – where and how to set up a tent, or how to deal with scenarios when they aren’t armed with all their modern conveniences and items of familiarity. Only with help and collective efforts can they overcome such challenges.
Also, an outdoor camping night shortens the emotional distance between the students. During a camping trip, students live in small groups where they have to work together and rely on each other. Typical camping activities like cooking together, hiking and sitting around the campfire chatting until late into the night build and improve friendships. In a nutshell, an outdoor camping night will perform a significant role in promoting relationships between students.
outdoor camping is the best activity 野外露营是最好的活动 R1: teaches students to be cooperative and united 教会学生合作和团结 R2: shortens emotional distance between students 缩短了学生之间的情感距离
enhance 提高;加强 cooperative 合作的 united 一致的 团结的 deal with 处理 scenario 情节 情境 in a nutshell 极其简括地说 简单地说
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