托福口语task2生活工作类真题训练 Would you prefer a well-paid job that requires……

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编辑点评: 生活工作类是托福独立口语考察频率较高的话题之一,大家在备考这类话题的时候可以结合实际人生体验和生活经验去拓展思路组织语言,也需要借鉴一些高分回答和模版进行参考。下面我们来看一道托福口语task2生活工作类真题:Would you prefer a well-paid job that requires you to take a lot of business trips, or a low-paid job that does not?

生活工作类是托福独立口语考察频率较高的话题之一,这一话题和我们的日常生活密切相关,大家在备考这类话题的时候可以结合实际人生体验和生活经验去拓展思路组织语言,也需要借鉴一些高分回答和模版进行参考。task2是托福独立口语的第二部分,大多要求考生从给定选项中做出选择并给出支持自己选择的理由。下面我们来看一道托福口语task2生活工作类真题:Would you prefer a well-paid job that requires you to take a lot of business trips, or a low-paid job that does not?你更喜欢哪种工作?一份薪水高的工作,但要求你做很多商务旅行,或者一份薪水较低但不要求你出差的工作。

For two main reasons, I would prefer the latter.
Firstly, the money will not be worth it if the job takes its toll on you and those around you, making everyone unhappy and stressed. A higher salary can't make up for the loss of quality time spent with children and loved ones. You cannot buy the time required to pursue hobbies, sleep right and exercise.
Secondly, taking too many business trips may actually kill you. Scientists now understand that specific genes can affect how quickly we age, and it appears that the more people run around, the faster aging process begins to take hold. It also turns out that businessmen who travel frequently are exposed to more radiation than is considered healthy. Health is more important than anything else in the world. Therefore, I'd rather choose a job with fewer trips.
prefer a low-paid job that does not require a lot of travel 宁可选一份不需要出差的工作 R1: family is more important than high salary 家庭和爱好比高薪酬更重要 R2: travelling too much is considered detrimental to health 对身体不好
takes a toll:take a toll表示产生不好的影响 make up for:补偿,可以用compensate代替 It also turns out:一般用于句首,意为事实证明…… pursue 追赶 继续进行 gene 基因 expose 揭露,揭发 radiation 辐射 放射物




