托福口语task1生活工作类真题训练 What is your dream job

所属专题:托福口语  来源:    要点:托福口语  
编辑点评: 生活工作类是托福独立口语部分考察频率比较高的话题之一,这一话题也和我们的日常生活密切相关,下面我们来看一道托福口语task1生活工作类真题:What is your dream job?Why?如果你能得到任何你想要的工作或职业,你会选择什么,为什么?

托福口语task1是托福考试口语部分的第一个任务,属于独立口语,考察考生对某个特定观点想法的口头描述表达能力。生活工作类是托福独立口语部分考察频率比较高的话题之一,这一话题也和我们的日常生活密切相关,下面我们来看一道托福口语task1生活工作类真题:What is your dream job? Why?如果你能得到任何你想要的工作或职业,你会选择什么,为什么?

Teaching, though incredibly hard work, is the most rewarding job imaginable.
Teaching is not just a job, it is a vocation. To students, teachers are not any kind of employees. They are mentors, friends and guardians. Nothing gives a teacher more joy than seeing his or her students gain new insights and learn more about the world.
Moreover, I am attracted by the fact that as a teacher you are in charge; you enjoy a very high level of autonomy. You have the chance to decide how you want the class to be and the tempo you expect in your class. You can decide to teach any topic depending on your beliefs, likes and personality.
The predominant reason is, though, that it is just so much fun. Young people can be very funny and easily amused at the same time. Working with them gives you the chance to enjoy some good laughs every day. Sometimes a bout of laughter can erupt from your jokes and at other times from your students’.
1. Outline
老师 R1: it is very rewarding 非常有成就感 R2: high level of autonomy 非常自主的一个职业 R3: it is just so much fun 教学生非常有趣
2. Vocabulary
vocation 有使命感的事业职业 老师并不是一个普通的job,而是一个天职的感觉 high level of autonomy 自治 这里指老师这个职业有很多自治权利, 可以自己把握tempo(节奏) tempo 节奏 速度 拍子 amused 愉快的 顽皮的 被逗乐的 bout 一阵 发作。这里指短时间内,突如其来的笑声。 erupt 爆发 喷出




