
所属专题:托福词汇  来源:    要点:托福词汇  
编辑点评: 托福考试中词汇题的考察有经常反复出现的特点,本文为大家整理了2007-2009年新托福考试词汇题对照大全,大家可以背记其中的单词,对比记忆也可以加深印象,也可以分析一下词汇考察的规律,希望对同学们有所帮助。


aberrant— abnormal anyone could see — it was clear
abruptly — suddenly apparatus—equipment
absurd—ridiculous applicable—useful
abundant — plentiful /substantial application — utilization
accessible--- reachable appreciate — understand
accordingly— consequently, for that reason archetype— ideal
account for — cause/explain arduous – difficult
account— version, version, report aridness—dryness
acknowledge — recognize artisans — crafts people
adept— skillful as a rule of thumb — in general
adequate— sufficient as a whole — generally
adjacent — nearby /neighboring ascend--raise
adopt— begin to use ascent--ascend
adulation--master/control aside from—apart from
advent—beginning assert— claim
advocate— speak in favor of, support assertive— supportive
afford— give, grant, provide assessment — evaluation
aftermath— result assimilate— absorb, embody, incorporate,integrate
aggravate---make worse
aggregate — combine, gather assorted—various
akin to— similar to assume— adopt, undertake, take on; think,suppose
albeit— although
allegiance – loyalty astonishing—amazing / incredible
allot, assign / allocation — assignment at the urge of — with the recommendation
allude= suggest.
allusion—indication, implication, hint attain — achieve
alternative—different attribute — credit/characteristic
ambiguous— uncertain /inaccurate / open to attributed — caused/ credited, explained
various explanations authentication—genuineness
analogous— similar, comparable,
authority — expert
awkward — clumsy
anarchy— disorder barely— just
anchor—strength barren--unproductive
annihilate—destroy be entitled to—have the right
anxious — worried belch---suddenly eruption,extensive,





