
所属专题:托福词汇  来源:    要点:托福词汇  
编辑点评: 托福考试中词汇题的考察有经常反复出现的特点,本文为大家整理了2007-2009年新托福考试词汇题对照大全,大家可以背记其中的单词,对比记忆也可以加深印象,也可以分析一下词汇考察的规律,希望对同学们有所帮助。


invoke— call upon moderate—adjust
involved — complicated modest— limited, small, not large
irrecoverable—permanent modified—changed/adjust
irreversible— permanent ,irrevocable momentous — significant
justified— supported, right, appropriate monotonous — unvaried 
key— important mounting — growing
laborious— difficult mounting— increasing, growing
lavish—extravagant mundane—ordinary
legendary—famous myriad— countless, innumerable, many, numerous,
lethal— deadly
likewise—same, similarly nevertheless—in spite of
limited— restricted nibble—eat
locate — find norm — rule
luminous - brilliant notable— particular, remarkable, important, outstanding,
luxuriant —rich
magnitude— amount, extent, size, measure, degree; volume, objective — purpose
objective— unbiased
mainstay— important part obscure — unclear / hidden
majestic — magnificent obsession — fixation ,
mandate — order obtain — acquire
manifestations—indications obvious—conspicuous
manipulation—use offset— counterbalance, balance
massive— huge on the whole—generally
mastery—control ongoing— continued, in progress
match—equal onset — start
meager — scarce / very low opaque— unclear
mechanism for— method for evaluating optimal — most satisfactory
meet— deal with opting — choosing
menace— threaten orchestrate — coordinate
merely — only/ simply orientation — introduction
merge— blend  outcome — result
merge— blend, combine overly — excessively
milestone—important event overview — summary
mimic— imitate, copy, echo overwhelming— powerful, overpowering
miniature— small palatial---magnificent
minutely — in detail paradox — contradiction





