
所属专题:托福写作备考全集合  来源:沪江留学网    要点:托福写作  
编辑点评: 由于英文本身是一个歧义较少的语言,因此标点符号很多时候是非常重要的语法及语义指示,保证标点不错也会是托福的考察指标之一。

四 冒号 Colon


1 List:


The store will close at noon on the following dates: November 26, December 24, and December 31.

2 Long Quotation:

In his book Life Lines, Forrest Church maintains that people should cry more: “Life is difficult. Some people pretend that it is not, that we should be able to breeze through. Yet hardly a week passes in which most of us don’t have something worth crying about. ”

3 Explanation:

Here’s a temporary solution to a dripping faucet: Tie a string to it, and let the drops slide down the string to the sink.

五 分号 Semicolon

1 用来分隔两个单独的句子,有时可以看作是句号


Lonnie heard a noise and looked out the window; the only thing there was his reflection.

He checked on the new baby every five minutes; he was afraid something would happen to her.

Lizards become sluggish at night; they need the sun’s warmth to maintain an active body temperature.

The large dog was growling at me; there were white bubbles of foam around its mouth.

We knew a power failure had occurred; all the clocks in the building were forty-seven minutes slow.

2 用来分隔列举的个体(在个体内部使用逗号的时候)。


Maya’s children are named Melantha, which means “black flower;” Yomina, which means “dove:” and Cynthia, which means “moon goddess.”(注意,标点在引号里面哦)

My parents’ favorite albums are Rubber Soul, by the Beatles; Songs in the key of life, by Stevie Wonder; and Bridge over Trouble Water, by Simon and Garfunkel.

六 破折号 Dash



I was so exhausted that I fell asleep within seconds – standing up.

He has many good qualities – sincerity, honesty, and thoughtfulness – yet he had few friends.

The pardon form the governor finally arrived – too late.



七 圆括号 Parentheses



In 1913, the tax on an annual income of $4,000 (a comfortable wage at that time) was one penny.

Arthur C. Clarke, author of science fiction books (including 2001: A Space Odyssey), was inspired as a young man by the magazine Astounding Stories.

八 连字符 Hyphen

1 用来把两个以上的单词连在一起,组成新的单词


The light-footed burglar silently slipped open the sliding glass door.

While being interviewed on the late-night talk show, the quarterback announced his intention to retire.

With a needle, Rich punctured the fluid-filled blister on his toe.

2 用来连接因为换行而中断的单词,注意,一定要按音节分,而且尽量避免这种现象。


Selena’s first year at college was a time filled with numerous new pres-

sures and responsibilities.


1 英文里面没有顿号,不要问我顿号怎么打出来。

2 无论打印还是手写,都要先加标点再有空格。




