1.持某观点 claim ( contendreckon share the belief that )
2.支持某观点 advocate (maintainvote forside with be in favor of )
3.反对某观点 contradict (criticizebe against cast doubts on )
4.合理的 justified ( sensible feasible convincinghold waterbear much analysis)
5.好处 advantage (benefit,merit,positive side)
6.弊端 disadvantage( defect,demerit,negative side)
7.肯定 undoubtedly (indeedundeniablythere is no denying that)
8.不确定 be likely to ( potentially presumably)
9.重要的 essential (significant,vital,crucial,critical,fundamental,indispensable)
10.有益的 beneficial (conducive instrumental )
11.有害的 detrimental (harmfulvirulent)
12.有争议的 controversial (disputable,contentious)
13.普遍的 widespread ( prevalent,universal)
14.显著地 considerably (significantly,remarkably,dramatically,tremendously,substantially)
15.明显的 evident (apparent,manifest)
16.增强 enhance (strengthen intensify)
17.减少 decline (descend,collapse,relieve)
18.大约 approximately(nearly,around,estimated,roughly)
19.趋势 trend(tendency,inclination)
20.预见 predict (expect,project)
21.带来 bring about (result in,lead to)
22.引起 create (spark ; yield;; give rise to)
23.建立 establish (found,institute)
24.要求 call for (request,demand)
25.去除 eliminate(remove,eradicate)
26.探讨 explore (examine,identify)
27.描绘 depict (portray,illustrate)
28.后果 consequence( aftermath; outcome)
29.足够 adequate (enough; sufficient)
30.解决 tackle ( resolve,address)
31.意识 awareness(consciousness)
32.控制 curb ( regulate,censor)
33.解释 account for ( be responsible for)
34.投资 finance (invest in,subsidize)
35.缓解 relieve ( ease,alleviate)
36.压力 stress ( pressure,strain)
37.和谐 harmony ( concordance)
38.继承 inherit (hand down)
39.培养 cultivate (train,foster)
40.促进 promote ( contribute to,upgrade)
41.适应 adapt to (adjust to,acclimate to)
42.提供 provide (render,afford)
43.替代 replace (substitute,take the place of)
44.保护 preserve (protect)
45.证据 evidence (proof)
46.赢得 gain (acquire,attain)
47.国外的 foreign( alien,exotic)
48.灾难 disaster (misfortune,catastrophe)
49.发展 advance (progress)
50.倾向于 tend to ( be inclined to,be apt to)
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