作为独立写作开头的经典, "With the development of society"或者"With the development of science and technology"备受广大托福考友的热捧。可想而知,阅卷老师千百次看过这个所谓"万能开头句"和"万金油",他们的身心将会受到何等的摧残!我们得到的可怜分数也就不足为奇了。所以,要想获得托福写作高分,一个新鲜的开头必不可少。
With the improvement of society, more and more people miss the life of country, and think city's life is filled with stress and material temptation. 社会发展了进步了,人们一定怀念乡村生活吗?
再看:With the development of science and technology, the access of advertisement has been increasingly varied. 科技发展和广告的发展有必然和直接的关系吗?
题目:Do you prefer to live in a small town or a big city? 看下面这位同学的开头段。
In English, there is a well-known fairy story about a poor country boy, Dick Whittington, who goes to London because he believes that the streets of that city are "paved with gold." The story is a tale of "from rags to riches." Dick eventually becomes the Lord Mayor of London. Like the hero of that story, I always find wonder and adventure in cities.
With the scientific development, people nowadays are able to know more about the world than the people in the past are. 这个句子存在的问题是科技的发展和人们了解世界之间的关系并不明确。修改的方法是:With the enormous development in the field of communications technology, people nowadays are able to know more about the world than the people in the past were. 这样两者的关系就明确了。
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