Showing Challenge
In the lecture, the professor made several points about______________. The professor argues that__________________.
However, the reading contends that________________.
The professor’s lecture casts doubts on the reading by using a number of points that are contrary to___________________________.
The first point that the professor uses to cast doubt on the reading is that_________________.
According to the professor,________________________________.
_______________ differs from the reading in that the reading states _______________________________.
The point made by the professor casts doubt on the reading because_______________________.
Another point that the professor uses to casts doubt on the reading is ___________________________________.
The professor claims that______________________________________.
However, the reading states _____________________________________.
This point is contradicted by_____________________________________.
Finally, the professor stated that, on the contrary of the reading, _____________________________________.
In other words,______________________________________.
This directly contradicts what the reading passage indicates, because___________________________.
In conclusion, the points made in the lecture contradict the reading.
_________________and_______________ demonstrate that ___________is in doubt.
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