托福写作:A new restaurant in your neighborhood

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Topic:A new restaurant in your neighborhood

It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.


社区内的餐馆越多,竞争就越激烈,那么价钱就会更公道;可能会出现卫生问题;也可能有客人酗酒闹事(excessive drinking; get drunk and create a disturbance; make trouble after getting drunk.)。






A new restaurant in my neighborhood would be the most exciting event for me. I personally have positive feelings towards this proposal(建议)and also believe that the people of my neighborhood shall also feel excited about such an event.(不要再用agree了,换一种说法吧,像文中的这样feel excited about也明确地表达了作者的看法)

Life in the fast lane(这里指的是快节奏的生活)today has turned out to be so hectic(翻译成忙碌的)and tedious(枯燥冗长的)to us that at times we feel exhausted and therefore unwilling to prepare our food. We also feel a strong urge towards a change in the type and flavor(调料)of food that we eat. A new restaurant at such times nearby shall make a difference to our lives.(作者首先用紧张和枯燥的生活作铺垫,从而提出一个新的餐厅换换口味可以改变生活滋味)

In occasions of(就……而言)happiness, get-togethers and enjoyment, having a restaurant nearby is always a convenience for people here. For example, the restaurant can be a convenient place to hold a wedding reception, or a birthday ceremony.(一个餐厅还可以有很多用途,从而给人们带来聚餐的愉快与幸福)

A new restaurant shall certainly add lots of enthusiasms(热情)and excitements to people here and people who have the greatest amount of enjoyment would be the younger people. They can relax in a new environment with the experience of a new atmosphere and people around and most of all, tasting something new. On the other hand, a new restaurant in our neighborhood gives hope to young people who would like to make money through a part time or full time job.(新建餐厅可以带来商机)

In conclusion, a new restaurant will bring convenience to our community. So I personally welcome such a plan.





