【题】Do you agreeor disagree with the following statement: Compared with the ability to make new friends easily, the ability to maintain friendship with a small group of people is more important and decides your happiness.
As social creatures, people make friends all the time. Old friends serve as the emotional reliance while some newly made friends are of practical value. Thus, a debate confronts us here on which one is more important: the ability to maintain friendship or the ability to get to know new people? The way I see it, it is more meaningful that we are able to maintain long-term friendship with a handful of people. My reasons and examples are given below. (80 words)
Firstly, friendship in a small circle is more solid and stable. For the sake of networking, a large number of people we get to know in various social occasions are actually so-called "situational friends" who just come and go in our life. Taking my father for example, he is a salesman with complicated social connections. I always find him socializing here and there, but he once told me that he could not even remember their names. Compared with those situational friends, I prefer a stable relationship with those who can give me a sense of secure. (96 words)
Secondly, maintaining the friendship with a few people brings lasting and genuine benefits to our life. On account of our limited energy and time, we are unlikely to expand the circle of friends and invest in each one of them emotionally. In stead, if we sincerely focus on several people worth making friends with, they will treat us just like how we treat them. For example, I am not a person good at socializing, but I do have a couple of congenial friends whom I have known since primary school. We often visit each other and help each other. Together we make it easier to live in this world. (109 words)
Admittedly, I am not saying that the ability to make new friends quickly is not important. This kind of skill does have its value. For instance, when we are in troubles, new friends could probably help us out if they happened to be useful. However, in most cases, the relationship with new friends cannot withstand the test of time if both of us fail to persistently invest in each other emotionally and economically. (73words)
To put it in a nutshell, the ability to maintain lasting friendship with a few persons outweighs that of getting acquaintance with new people easily. As a famous quotes goes, "God gave us relatives, but thank God we can choose ourfriends." For friends, quantity does not matter, and what really matters is endurance and dependence. (56 words)
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