
所属专题:出国留学  来源:    要点:出国留学  
编辑点评: 沪江留学院出品的5月30日托福考试写作真题回忆及解析大放送~真题回忆和解析有多重要不用说大家也知道,还不赶紧来学习?



topic: 一种硕大的鸟究竟会不会飞翔

reading passage: 这种鸟肯定不会飞的
supporting idea 1: 鸟的翅膀太大导致起飞困难,而且拍打时会打到另一边的翅膀
The wings are so big that one will hit the other side of the wing during flight
supporting idea 2: 鸟的肌肉动力不足,即使飞上天长时间挥动翅膀也挺困难
It lacks strong muscles to hold the huge heavy weight, not to mention flapping its wings
supporting idea 3: 鸟太大所以没有捕食者,所以就没有必要去研究飞翔了
The birds are too big to have predators and that’s why no need to grasp the skill of flying

listening passage: 这种鸟会飞
contrasting idea 1: 助跑可以帮助大鸟飞起来,部分地区的大鸟会飞
The running start can make birds fly though they are heavy and have big wings, and there are many small hills in the region where big birds can fly
contrasting idea 2: 鸟不需要频繁震动翅膀
The birds do not need to flap wings frequently when they fly. Furthermore, as they flap wings, the cold air goes down and the warm air goes up, this enables them to 
flap wings only several minutes a time. In addition, there is a similar case: the giant eagle.
contrasting idea 3: 他们是食腐动物,飞翔可以让它们看到食物
They feed on died animal bodies and the ability to fly enables them to see clearer in the high sky.



When you have been friends with someone for a long time, it is important to continue your friendship with that person even if he or she does something you do not like.

写作思路:这道题目的限定词要注意:even if he or she does something you do not like。 Yiyi建议从同意的角度写,可以从真正友情应该包容对方,理解对方的角度来写。

5月30日托福考试独立写作部分Supporting ideas示例>>




