The reading passage claims that smart cars will be able to choose the best routes to arrive at their destinations quickly, but the speaker claims that traffic is going to increase as the technology in cars improves.
The author declares that it will take less time to travel and that traffic will always be moving, yet the professor states that there will actually be longer traffic jams than before.
In contrast to the statement in the reading claiming that it will be cheap to maintain smart cars, the professor asserts that the manufacturing process involved in creating replacement parts ensures that maintenance costs will be high.
Whereas the reading passage asserts that owners will be able to repair their cars cheaply because the problems requiring fixing will be minor, the lecturer declares that the replacement parts themselves are going to cost an incredible amount of money.
欢迎大家有问题随时留言哦 今天呢Yiyi带大家来进入到五步法之第二步——信号词
这篇文章是关于鉴定一幅作品是不是艺术家Rembrandt的真迹的: (左图就是文章里的主角~)
main idea: 这幅作品里面有许多问题表明它不是R的真迹。
supporting idea 1: 首先肖像画中女人穿着的方式有些不连贯,这不像R秉承的注重细节的画画风格。
supporting idea 2:R是一个能够娴熟运用光和影的大师,但在这幅作品中,人脸和下面的毛领反射完全不符。
supporting idea 3:对于该作品背后的鉴定显示它是在一张由些许木头粘贴而成的油画板上创作的,然而没有任何R的作品被发现是在粘贴而成的木板上创作的。
下面是Yiyi给大家列举的托福听力中会出现的信号词 大家可以在练习中参考一下下:
take the .. argument...
other studies have found that...
well, what about the fact that...
there is another explanation for...
ok, so how about...
this suggests that...
in fact...
for example...
当然,还有很多这样的信号词起着引导我们听听力讲座的内容呢 希望大家自己在做TPO的写作时能够养成听到信号词重点记录之后的部分哦
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