People who don’t work since they get enough money are rarely happy.
Value 1: Sense of achievement
根据马斯洛需求层次理论(Maslow's hierarchy of needs),人的最高需求是要自我实现(Self-actualization),而sense of achievement就是自我实现的一个方面,也是人能快乐的因素之一。
Sample sentences:
1. The lack of goal and motivation will make people feel bored and useless no matter how rich they are.
2. The research has proved that when people work hard for their goals and manage to realize it, the process will bring them great sense of achievement which is more likely to make people happy than money.
Value 2: Team work
长期孤独的人大部分都会感觉抑郁(depressed),因为人是社会型动物(social animal),归属感(sense of belonging)是人感觉快乐的一个重要条件。
Sample sentences:
1. Statistics shows that 90% people working with a group are more likely to be happy.
2. People possessed money but don’t work may feel isolated, which will lead to depression.
Value 3: Common topics
Sample sentences:
1. As most people in the society need to work, people who don’t work would be lack of common topics with other people.
2. People who don’t work will be disconnected with the rest of the society, which may lead to depression. In whatever sense, money cannot buy happiness for people.
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