托福写作task2科技类 Technology makes people’s life simpler than before.

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编辑点评: 托福写作task2科技类是托福独立写作的一大热门考察话题,也是很多考生感到难以下笔的一类话题,下面我们结合一道托福写作task2科技类真题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Technology makes people’s life simpler than before.给大家拓展一下科技类话题的托福独立写作思路。


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Technology makes people’s life simpler than before.
技术日新月异,我们现在对技术的依赖已经超越历史上的任何时候。但是技术对生活的利弊各方争论不休,就如同任何事物一样,技术也是一把双刃剑。这道题目的重点是对“simple life”进行界定。
Function 1: Convenience
Sample sentences:
1. Undoubtedly, technology makes people’s lives highly convenient and efficient, for instance, we can get anywhere within several hours.
2. However, technology brings about some troublesome for us as well, because we need to learn new technologies quickly and continually.
Function 2: Facilitate
Sample sentences:
1. Technology facilitates all respects of life and work, such as education, healthcare and business, which makes people’s lives easier.
2. However, for people in rural area, technology makes their lives more difficult because they are lack of the access to high technology.
Function 3: Productivity
Sample sentences:
1. Technology has improved the productivity, producing more food and items for people to consume.
2. On the other hand, technology caused the unemployment of manual workers, which makes their lives more difficult.




