
 来源:    要点:留学申请  
编辑点评: “套磁”是指留学申请者与其所申请学校的相关专业的教授通过电话或email联系增加自己被录取甚至获得奖学金的机会,掌握好一定的套磁技巧可以给教授留下深刻印象,从而大大增加被录取的机会。




Thanks for the email. you look to have an exceptional record and quite a bit of relevant experience. we are very busy working on both nanotube and graphene electronics at this point. website is somewhat dated although we are trying to bring it up to 2011. let me look more carefully at your resume. i certainly encoruage you to apply - which dept at Penn would make the most sense for you? not sure whether your existing ms in EE would basically let you join Penn ESE as a PhD student. This might be worth thinking about. Again, let me review your file, while you consider what academic trajectory would be of interest at Penn. Then we can exchange email again. If you have plans to be in Philadelphia, you would be welcome to visit the lab.

Best wishes,



Thanks very much for yourletter that I read with great interest.

I am very impressed by your resume, but unfortunately, I don't have any opening presently.However, should such a position become available, I'll keep your name in mind for apossible collaboration. Thanks again for your interestin my group. Best wish,


Thank you so much for your setting some time of your busy scheduleto read my email and reply me. I really appreciate it very much. As a professorof international prestige you are , if there is any possibility, I do would like to work together with you. Thanks once again.

然后就束之高阁了,但是保持了节日的问候,不涉及科研问题。 没钱,那没有办法啊。


Dear xx, thank you for your application. My group is so filled that it is hard for me to accept anyone in fall 2012 unless they come with the majority of their own salary support. I am sorry. Also, I am in the chemistry department so you would have to be admitted there. Conversely, you could apply to the Applied Physics Program and if there were an opening in my group in the fall of 2012, I could consider you. But like I said, it is unlikely without your own fellowship support. Also, you could try Rice Physics Dept. I could not get you to be well trained in electronics. You would have to partner with a collaborator in physics, such as Doug Natelson. But that is up to him.



Many THANKS! Please apply!

UCSD NANO Program is exciting!!!

此教授大牛也,面对这样的模板回复,我不甘心,于是乎我回信问了,我有多大机会进入你的组? 教授回复说:

I am NOT on the committee;



Dear xx, I am pretty interested in your background.Could you contact me next Spring? Let us see if I have some funding to recruityou.

解析:唯一一个,让我感到很愧疚的导师,一个年轻的AP,一直让我跟他keep in touch。 后来,拿到其他更好教授的offer之后,就将CMU排除在申请之外了,也没有提交申请。其实也是有原因的,CMU对于国际学生,不论是在美国呆了多少年,或者是拿了多少学位,TOEFL一定不能免。但是我没有考过TOEFL,也不愿意去考一下,所以作罢。


Thanks for the inquiry. Your experience and record are quite impressive. My group hasseveral Ph.D. positions open for fall 2012, and I strongly encourage you to apply through my department. You can put my name as your referred supervisor.Once you pass the department's selection, I will be happy to discuss with you about your candidacy and future projects. Cheers,



Dear XX,thanks for calling and for the message. I will keep you in mind. Regards,



Dear XX, thank you for your interest and attached documents. You have a rich experience and solid background. I like to talk with you about your plan. Please call me after 4PM today at XXXXXXXX. Thanks.

解析:很积极的回复。因为教授一般都很忙,但是愿意跟你电话。于是我准时打过去,交谈的很愉快,记住还是要不卑不亢。最后,一直保持联系,11月份的时候当面面试了一把,一共2小时。1.5小时在探讨人生,0.5小时在讨论科研。面试完了,当场给了口头offer, 嘱咐我回校后,立即提交申请,然后通知他一声。我觉得,教授要你当面面试的时候,基本已经决定要你了,只要你不是表现的特别糟,基本没有问题。回校准备了材料,提交之后,告诉了教授一声,然后教授回复我说: I have petitioned for your acceptance to the department. I will let you know as soon as I hear some thing。 然后,我在系里第一批拿到了offer。


Thanks for calling just now. Somehow the name “Tao Xu” showed up on my telephone when you called, so I did not make a direct connection with the email you sent earlier. Seems we have some common research interest here. As I mentioned, whether I will recruit new students this year depends on my funding status. I will probably have a more clear answer in late Jan/early Feb. We can also arrange a phone interview in which you can tell me more about your previous research. Thanks again for your interest. Best regards,

解析:这个教授毕业于MIT,但是现在所在的学校的EE真心很一般,个人原打算的保底校之一。但是后来有了更好的offer之后,就跟他失去了联系。如果想继续稳住这个教授的正确做法应该是:马上跟教授发邮件确定一个电话面试时间。然后疯狂地读他的文章,找到好的idea。此外,多多练习一下自己的英语口语。电话面试后,可以适时要求一下on-site interview,这样就可以确保万无一失了。



