SAT I 一日一问:2012年12月18日

 来源:    要点:SAT真题  
编辑点评: Collegeboard每天在其官方网站上公布一道SAT I考试的问题,供考生练习。你有没有答对?看看答案和解释是什么?

The Correct answer is D.


Since exactly two of the four lines are parallel, the other two lines are not parallel. If the two non-parallel lines intersect at a point that is not on either one of the parallel lines, then the configuration of lines will give a total of 5 points of intersection. (The best way to verify this is by drawing the two parallel lines and then putting in the other two lines.) If, on the other hand, the two non-parallel lines intersect at a point that is on one of the parallel lines, then there will be a total of 3 points of intersection in the figure. (Again, a sketch is the best way to verify this.) Any arrangement of the four lines will again yield either 3 or 5 points of intersection. Since you can’t obtain four points of intersection, the correct answer is I and III only.



