SAT I 一日一问:2015年1月3日

所属专题:SAT每日一问  来源:    要点:SAT官方题目  
编辑点评: SAT出题者Collegeboard每天在其官方网站上贴出一道SAT I考试的问题,供考生练习。让我们来看一下你是否有能力回答对这些SAT的问题呢?一起来试试吧~

The correct answer is A


The word “but” along with the word “concessions,” which refers to yielding to something, suggests that there is some contrast in the first part of the sentence. An architect certainly might want to “maintain” his initial vision and design, but as a result of needing to accommodate, or consider and allow for, requests from the client, he might have to change them. It makes sense to suggest that the architect made concessions and accommodated the client’s requests even though he wanted to keep his initial vision and design unchanged.




