托福写作:Change about my hometown

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Topic:Change about my hometown

If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.









If I could change one important thing about my hometown, it would be air pollution problem, and I will give the following reasons to explain why I want to solve the problem.(虚拟语气,上来就直接用假设,假设的好处是为了提出一个新的观点,不过似乎有模板的感觉,开头有点少,可以再叙述一下change的原因,现状,所以我们需要change)

The first and most important reason is that I hope that my hometown can become a beautiful city. As an old industrial city, my hometown has made a great deal of contribution(做出巨大贡献)for the country’s economic development. At a result(结果是), the natural environment of the city has been badly damaged. The forest has disappeared; the mountains have become bald, and the most awful thing is that the air quality becomes more and more worsen. People seldom see the blue sky during most time of year.

Another reason why I want to change my hometown’s air pollution situation is that the city’s development needs clean and tidy environment to attract investors.(投资者)Nowadays people have come to know that the city’s environment, which is so called “software facility of the city”,(环境是城市的软设施)plays an important role in the city’s future. For example, due to the fact that the environment of the city is very poor, many local students who pursue(追赶)their study out of the city would rather find the a job in other cities than coming back to their hometown after they graduated.(城市环境不好,年轻人出去学习就不愿意回来了,就像我们出国留学,外面都是好风光,回来看到乌云笼罩的城市也会觉得很不舒服一样的,这个理由很实际。)

In addition, nowadays people have paid more and more attention to their health. If the air pollution problem cannot be solved as quickly as possible, people’s requirement for a healthy body will never be realized.

In my mind, changing air pollution will apparently be my first choice if I can change one important thing about my hometown. Fortunately people in my hometown are gradually aware of the serious problem and start doing something about it.






