托福写作:Why go to university?

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Topic:Why go to university?

People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation and increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.




为了实现理想(ideal; idealistic)(如,周恩来就是为中华之崛起而读书);











University is no longer(不再是)afresh word to people nowadays. Since the beginning of this century, more and more youngsters choose to enter university after they have completed the study in high schools rather than to join the army or become an apprentice(学徒).Therefore, it is kind of interesting to find out the reason behind.(开头简述大学的现状,说明上大学是一种社会驱使,同时通过最后一句引出下文寻找原因)

First of all, students can only learn fundamental(基本的)knowledge during high school while they are able to focus on their own interested majors in universities. This period is the key to knowledge accumulation, which will contribute a lot to the future of an individual. Moreover, university is no doubt the symbol of high education. It offers more than pure knowledge. A degree from a university gives people certain identity that makes them stand out(突显,引人注目)among their competitors. It can be seen from the fact that most of the international companies will only hire those who have at least a Bachelor's degree.(论述第一段提出了上大学的重要性,不仅是积累知识的关键时期,而且也是高等教育的一个象征,能让学生变得更有竞争力。注意文中的连接词First of all, Moreover..;使用一些灵活变换的句式,如it can be seen from the fact that;以及代词的使用)

Sincere dreams(天真的梦想)might also be the reason for university or college. For instance, in the 60s and 70s, people in China experienced hard times. Many of them had to give up advanced education and take up the burdens of life at their early age. Now, as(当作)they became parents or even grandparents, their dream for university education had no doubt realized by their younger family members. Those young people, as reported, often study very hard in order to fulfill(实现)the expectations of two generations.(本段中的一个很大的特点就是插入语用的非常灵活【注:两逗号之间的内容删除不影响句子结构即为插入语】;此段主要在陈述上大学的另一个主要原因是长辈当年没有上成大学,造成的对大学的向往以及对后代的期待综合在一起的原因)

There is no doubt that university can be the turning point of one's future, because higher education will provide people with not only knowledge prepared for their careers, but also the fulfillment of their life goals. Meanwhile, the society has improved its strength to sponsor higher education. Compared with the past, people now attend universities also because they are able to secure(获得)various scholarships and supports from different channels. A very good example is that many Chinese students are now studying in the U. S. Their incentive(即motivation动机)for application should be attributed to not only to their own performance but also the comprehensive education frameworks in the U. S.(There’s no doubt that翻译为毫无疑问的是,这个句式很多时候也用在让步段的开头;be attributed to解释为归因于,有caused by的意思;我们可以看到本段有not only…but also句式,compared比较句式,表语从句。本段从之前讲到的获得知识,有益于工作,到上升到人生目标这一更高层面)

Broadly speaking, people who study in universities have their hopes: to fulfill themselves. At the same time, our society generously provides such an environment for people to achieve such goals. Therefore, when we see more and more fresh smiles on the campus of universities, let us just wish them a promising future.(Broadly speaking,可以替换成generally speaking, 相关的还有frankly speaking, personally speaking,请大家拣有用的copy到自己的作文上,活用小词可以摆脱死板的作文格式,让考官看着舒服;我们可以看到全文相同的词用的不多,给大家一个小tips就是如果你想用同一个词或是考试时写不出同义词的时候,你可以把一个词换成各种形式比如fulfill-fulfillment-fulfills,托福系统检查你的作文的时候是不看你这三个词长得是否相似的,只要不一样就不会被扣分!最后一定要给出一个明确的personal idea,自己同意还是不同意题中观点,这个非常重要!模棱两可有可能会被视为跑题!)





