
所属专题:托福写作备考全集合  来源:    要点:托福写作复习  
编辑点评: 托福考试的写作部分是托福考试中很重要的组成部分,也是不少同学不禁皱眉的部分。作为语言能力测试,不仅考查了考生对英语的理解,更是看重了考生对英语的运用。如果想要取得托福考试的高分,必然要从看懂托福的评分标准开始。

Score of 3

I would like to change the system ofgarbage collection of my hometown. Currently g seems the system is highlyinappropriate in many ways. For example. although bins and cans must be collectedseparately from other kinds of garbages in order to reuse or recycle themeasily, a has not yet be started m my hometown. Obviously g has become veryimportant to reuse or recycle these gems in terms of reduction of the entirevolume of gabage as well as the use of scarce resources. In addition, it couldbe pointed out that to some extent, it increses pollution which is produced bymaking more bins and cans. Therefore, from the environmental protection pointof view. I storongly believe that the system of barbage collection of my hometown must be changed to more appropriate one.(137 words)







