
所属专题:出国签证  来源:    要点:美国留学签证申请  
编辑点评: 本书是作者为学员提供美国签证咨询的经验结晶,是作者在几万人次签证实例基础上的研究成果。书中的拒签申诉信和案例分析,都是实际发生的签证故事。本书是国内第一本关于美国签证的专著,对于欲赴美留学深造的读者,是极其重要的权威指南。

范例3.1 原文

Dear Visa Officer :

I applied for my F1 visa on Julv lo, 1996 but was rejected for the following reasons:

l. The visa officer told me that I do not have proper academic background for my Ph.D. program in Agriculture and Bio-systems Engineering at the lowa State Unlversity(ISU ) .

2. The visa officer asked me if I have any acquaintance at the ISU. After I said yes,hetold me that he was sorry and refused my visa without giving me a specific reason.For the first reason I was re;ected ,I think the visa officer made his judgment on the ba-sis of his non-academic reasoning ,but definitely not on academic evaluation specificallyrelated to my field of study.

After being closely scrutinized by the well-known professors at the Graduate Committeeof the Department of Agriculture and Bio-systems Engineering at the lowa State Uni-versity, I was chosen by the respected scholars at the graduate committee at ISU astheir very prestigious scholarship recipient. They definitely would not give a person ,thousand miles away in China,a highly valuable scholarship ]ust because she "has noproper academic background" for their proud Ph. D. program. Refusing my visa on thisground is an irresponsible criticism to my prospective professors at the lowa State Uni--versity. I would give up my student visa rather than accept this reason for the refusal indefense of my future professorsr reputation.

I did have an "acquaintance",Dr. Qian Yongqiang ,in ISU who was a Chinese visitingscholar there from J994 to 1995. Dr. Qian is a former supervisor of mine at the People'sUniversity of China in Beijing. He returned to China last year after successfully com-pleted his research work there. It's only natural that I got information about ISU's Ph.D. program from him,and this is the only help I could possibly get from him,plus arecommendation letter. Any suggestion that I might be admitted to this great AmericanUniversity by some "guanxi" or back door deal is an offense to my prospective profes-sors at the department of Agriculture and Bio-systems of lowa State University.

I have high respect to visa officei's authority in regard of immigration regulations andlaws,however, I know and the professors at the ISU agree that I have a very strongacademic background and an exciting professional plan for my Ph. D. studies at theISU .

I sincerely hope that the visa officer will reconsider my visa application and thank you inadvance for your favorable response.

Sincerely ,



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