
 来源:    要点:美国大学写作课  
编辑点评: 无论是谁,上了美国大学之后,总是有那么几门必修课,而写作课就是其中的重中之重。美国大学写作课是一节每个美国大学生都要求必修的一门写作基础课。所以,有时候,作为一名国际学生还是有些劣势的,不过,只要努力,拿A也不是梦!让我们来看看具体的文体及其应对方法把~


第一篇:Close Reading

其实就是类似读后感的一篇文章。我们在写这篇作文之前读了很多文章,教授让我们挑选自己喜欢的一篇,然后挑这个文章中的某个element,比如写作手法,人物性格,语言特色等,挑一个方面来具体分析,写4~5页。我选的是一篇写同性恋心理的文章,叫A Clack Of Tiny Sparks。我分析的是里面一个无足轻重的character,叫Theresa(虽然不是主角但是我赋予了她重大意义)。通过写这篇文章,我得到的经验和教训是:

(1). 一定要仔细剖析你要分析的文章,读个透(至少读个5遍吧),然后选一个独特的,能体现你自己voice的角度来写。美国人是很注重creative thinking的,你想象老师们读了那么多篇文章,大多都千篇一律,没有亮点,他烦都烦死了。此时此刻他多么希望自己能够读到让他眼前一亮的文章啊!记住,老师们读学生的文章,也是期盼着能读到新东西的They expect a new way of seeing。如果你的文章非常有unique voice,老师首先就会被你的独特视角所吸引,那么你离好成绩就不远了。比如我这篇文章,就写的是Theresa是作者分裂出来的一个人格,是他潜藏在身体中的“另一个自己”。这一点就非常吸引老师,他给我的评价也是“very creative and interesting perspective”。其实我这篇文章问题挺多的,逻辑不够清晰,还好多重复的语言,最要命的是结尾的时候我还特别主观地代入了自己的想法,不过老师还是给了我一个A-,我觉得还是因为我的想法好。可见,选一个独特的角度是多么重要。

(2). 有一个清晰、开门见山的好开头也很重要,我是指对于读后感这类文章。因为一开头你必须要summerize故事的内容,还要明确提出Thesis Statement,所以要求还是很高的。下面给出我写的开头,大家可以参考一下:

During the stage of early adolescence when hormonal changes occur rapidly, there’s always confusion about gender, along with attraction about the sex.  (由一个现象,引出我要说的内容,不至于突兀) In Bernard Cooper’s essay “A Clack of Tiny Sparks: Remembrances of a Gay Boyhood”, he writes about the struggle of recognizing and defining his own sexual identity as an adolescent. (一定要高度凝练地概括你读了谁的什么书,一句话总结文章内容) Theresa Sanchez, a mature and unique girl in Cooper’s class, plays a very important role in helping Cooper realize and accept the fact that he is gay. (引出我要谈论的要素,是一个文中的character)The creation of the character Theresa in the essay is so artful, for she not only serves as the transition from one episode to another, but she is also like a guide in disguise, leading Cooper toward the right direction at some critical points during his painful struggle. Throughout the essay, Theresa just reflects another personality of the author, guiding him to fulfill his self-discovery on homosexuality. (这是我整个文章的Thesis Statement,一定要在开头段说清楚,而且要说的全面)

(3). 最大的教训是写这类文章不要代入自己的主观情感!!!)。千万不要说你喜不喜欢这个character,因为没有人关心这个。读者只关心你是怎么去阐释这个角色的,你是如何自圆其说的,你是如何赋予这个角色一层新的认知的。而且,不要自作多情地“以小代大”,意思是千万不要用“We”,因为你可不能保证其他人是不是和你想的一样,用We来说话,是很冒犯人的。下面来看我文章的结尾,是一个赤果果的反面教材,大家就当教训了:

Personally, I like this character very much. (首先就犯了大忌!在意你是不是喜欢这个角色呢!别加入自己的情感!) Despite the lack of basic facts about Theresa, this character is successfully and vividly established through her interactions with Cooper. We could feel as if Theresa has come to life, instead of a rigid figure in a story that we can’t resonate with. (跟你想的一样啊真是自作多情!记住,Never use “We” in an essay!!!)As Cooper’s guide in disguise, Theresa let Cooper confront his sexuality face to face by asking him “Are you a fag” at first, and after his failed experiment about the opposite sex, Theresa gave him justifications and confidence that ultimately led to the completion of his self-discovery on his sexual identity. Had it not been for her guidance at some critical points, Cooper wouldn’t have survived his painful struggle with his identity and honestly accepted his homosexuality in the end. Theresa is the thread of the whole story, an “invisible hand” that artfully manipulates the development of Cooper’s essay, a crucial character that leaves so deep an impression on the audience that we couldn’t shake it out of our heads. (又犯了大忌,唉,当无知)



