
所属专题:留学美国  来源:    要点:美国留学  
编辑点评: 拿到留学录取通知书固然是个成功,但更确切的说这是个成功的开始。留学之路,最主要的当然是学习。什么样的学习方法更适合你?什么样的学习之道能祝你一臂之力更加顺利圆满的完成留学?


Pretty soon the semester will be winding down – or winding up, depending on how much work you have left. Whichever the case, time starts to be a factor. And as the clock ticks down, it’s important to manage your time with maximum efficiency. You’ll find yourself with time to spare (or, at least, not crazy-rushed), if you follow our time-saving tips for the last month of the semester:


Don’t blow off classes.


You might have thought that paring down your classroom attendance was a good time-saving idea. It’s not. Making up the class you missed – getting the notes, copying the notes, puzzling out the notes, not really understanding the notes – takes three times as long as it would have to attend the class in the first place. So keep up your perfect (or at least more-or-less regular) attendance record.


Plan to do each task once.


Many students unwittingly set up double the work: recording the lectures so that they can listen to them again at home, taking lecture notes with the idea of recopying them later, giving the reading a “once over lightly” with the plan to reread before the final – all of these are horribly inefficient ways to get done what you need to do. Better idea? Plan to do the job well the first time. You’ll be amazed how much time you can save if you don’t set out to do each task twice.


The one exception to this tip comes when writing a term paper: here you’ll want to plan multiple drafts, especially if the term- or research paper counts 40-percent of your grade.


Get things organized.


Every class has lots of paperwork that becomes increasingly important at the end of the semester: syllabi, class notes, handouts, graded work – all of these can play important, and interrelated, roles as the semester comes to its end. Make sure all your materials are neatly organized – and easily accessible – as you begin to write your term papers and/or study for the final. You can waste a lot of time looking for some document that you’re hell-bent on finding, no matter what.


If you’re writing a research paper make sure to keep perfect citations (including page numbers) for sources you consult, print or electronic. An electronic tool, such as Endnote, Refworks, Zotero, or Wizfolio, can be a real timesaver (check with your library to see if any are free to students).


Consider study groups.


If you have a large body of material to master you could benefit from dividing it up among members of a study group. Just be sure you and your group have a clear game plan on how to divide up the work. If you find you’re spending more time studying your study partners than going over the material, you’ve created a huge time-waster (though, no doubt, one more enjoyable than studying).


Close up the windows.


One of the things that slows studying down most is interrupting work time with glances at more entertaining media activities (e.g., incessantly checking your facebook page, IM-ing your friend every 18 seconds, and, for good measure, checking the World Series score). Doing this, you end up covering fifteen minutes worth of material in a one-hour “study” session. Solution? Don’t open any additional windows or apps for as long as you’re planted at your study space. If you tend to take lots of mini study breaks, limit the excursions to ten-minutes for each half-an-hour of studying. That guarantees only a one-third inefficiency.






