
所属专题:英国留学  来源:沪江留学网    要点:雅思作文地图题  
编辑点评: 写作考试TASK 2,题目有两道,第一道是看图说明(A类)或者书信(G类),要求150字,20分钟;第二道是议论文或说明文(议论为主),要求250字,40分钟。下面是一篇雅思地图题的高分范文,希望对大家复习考试有所帮助。


The two maps show how M will be greatly changed.

Year 2000, a main road, from east to west, went through M and it intersected other two roads (One from Northeast to Southwest; the other from Northwest to Southeast) in the south. A railway crossed the main road in the West. There was an unused shoe factory and an unused X factory in the north of the main road in the east of railway. A garage was across the main road from the unused shoe factory. In the rest of M areas, there was grass.

On the other hand, until 2015, there will have been a shift. The original roads and railway will be removed and a walkway and an underground railway will be established. The former will be used to connect Sport Stadium and X building (the left) to Swimming Pool (the right), while the latter will link the two buildings to Athlete Accommodation. Old grassland will be replaced by gardens.
Overall, it is clear that there will be a great change of M, probably because a sport game will be held.




