SAT I 一日一问:2013年5月8日

所属专题:SAT每日一问  来源:    要点:SAT真题  
编辑点评: Collegeboard每天在其官方网站上公布一道SAT I考试的问题,供考生练习。你有没有答对?看看答案和解释是什么?

The Correct answer is E.


Among the eighty seniors, there are 3 boys for every 5 girls, so 3 over 8 of the seniors, or 30, are boys and 5 over 8, or 50, are girls. Among the juniors, 3 over 5 are boys and 2 over 5 are girls. If x stands for the total number of juniors, then (3 over 5) times x are boys and (2 over 5) times x are girls. The total number of senior and junior boys is 30 plus ((3 over 5) times x). The total number of senior and junior girls is 50 plus ((2 over 5) times x). The question states that these quantities are equal, so 30 plus ((3 over 5) times x) = 50 plus ((2 over 5) times x). Solving this gives 150 + 3 times x = 250 + 2 times x, or x = 100.




