SAT I 每日一问:2013年9月20日

所属专题:SAT每日一问  来源:    要点:SAT官方题目  
编辑点评: SAT出题者Collegeboard每天在其官方网站上贴出一道SAT I考试的问题,供考生练习。让我们来看一下你是否有能力回答对这些SAT的问题呢?

The correct answer is B


The structure of the sentence indicates that the idea after the colon elaborates on or explains the first part of the sentence. It is possible that the members of the “rebel group . . . have never been punished” even though they have “committed,” or carried out, numerous acts that break rules or laws. And the idea that the members have not been punished despite having committed violations does elaborate on the idea that the group has had “total impunity,” or has been completely exempt from punishment and harm.




