“竞争”“合作”是SAT写作中的常见话题,关于这两个话题有哪些素材事例可以使用呢?本文将介绍冷战时期的军备竞赛和Paul Revere的事迹。
Thesis: Competition stimulates people to develop.
Subject: The Cold War
Detail: After WWII, the Cold War between democracy and communism started, including economic,culture and especially arms and space exploration. On October 4, 1957,the successful launch of Sputnik-1 indicated to the world that the Soviet Union had taken the lead in space exploration. It also caused fear that this technology would allow the Soviet Union to launch nuclear weapons into space. In response, the United States established the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), embarking on a quest to the moon where Neil Armstrong took his revolutionary first steps in 1969.
Theme: Cooperation
Thesis: Nothing great can be achieved by a single man.
Subject: Paul Revere
Detail: Our perceptive towards Paul Revere just illustrates this point. According to the romantic legend, he, galloping along of the dark from one farm house to another, alerted the people to the coming British. The story emphasized the courage of one man, made him a hero in our history books. However, his heroism required a matrix of others who were already well-prepared to mobilize against the oppressor and he was just one part of a pre-arrange plan. Heroes like Revere have no usefulness apart from a society primed to act.