
所属专题:出国留学  来源:    要点:托福真题  
编辑点评: 以下内容为付英东老师独家提供的6月21日托福大陆考试全真试题还原,刚刚考完托福考试的同学可以看真题估分,正在准备托福考试的同学们可以参考学习。


1、Describe a subject of academy you enjoy learning and explain why you enjoy it.

2、Do you agree or disagree: Children should help their parents with house chores when they are old enough?

3、R: There is a proposal that the theater assistants should be paid and trained.
     L: The man holds a positive attitude towards it.

1) Firstly, he says that most assistants have their main job. For example, one of his friends gave up the rehearsal because it conflicts with his boss’s job.

2) Furthermore, he says the training will help the assistants work better. Some professional staffs teach the assistant how to use the equipments will also improve the quality of the play.

R: The term is the subject-expectancy effective, it means that the thoughts of people will depends on what they already know.
L: (The professor) Well, today we will talk about the subject-expectancy effective. I will give some examples to illustrate this term. For instance, a manager told a group of officers that they will be offered more works and they should be more concentrated on it. However, the amount of works was the same as the amount before the officers were told, the results showed that the officers work harder before they were told, just because they knew there will be more works. Another experiment is a company gave their fatigue and tired workers a kind of vitamin which can energy people up, but actually the pills are normal placebo, the results showed that the work efficient improved after works took the fake vitamin.

5、The girl’s parents will come to her apartment this weekend, but her apartment is in a mess.

Two suggestions, 1) The girl’s parents will arrive in the evening, but she has a chemistry meeting in the afternoon. She could skip that class to clean her apartment, but this class is quite important and if she skip it, she can not make it up.

2) She can go back to apartment immediately after the class and clean quickly after the meeting, although the room will not be that clear, her parents will understand her. Above all, her parents know that she is a lazy girl who do not like to clean up.

6、Birds migration at a long distance.

1) First reason is that birds will eat enough food to store energy. For example, humming bird eat much food to store energy a few weeks before the migration, the food they eat will turn into body fat and its weight can added at least 40%

2) Second reason is to take advantage of the air flow. For example, hawk can save energy by soaring-flying without flapping wings by thermals.




