
所属专题:托福口语  来源:    要点:托福口语素材  
编辑点评: TED的宗旨是“用思想的力量来改变世界”。每年3月,TED大会在美国召集众多科学、设计、文学、音乐等领域的杰出人物,分享他们关于技术、社会、人的思考和探索。而TED的众多演讲,不仅是可以用于托福考试的优良素材,更是托福口语考试中非常好值得借鉴的模仿范本。

That’s my proposal on Jimmy Doolittle. I made that movie for television. It’s the only copy I had. Pieces of it. Idea about women. So I started to say, “Hey, man, you are too much! You could cry about this.” I really didn’t. I just instead said, “I’m going to make something out of it, and maybe next year ...” And I appreciate this moment, to come up on this stage with so many people, who’ve already given me so much solace, and just say to TEDsters (ted listeners, 演讲者现编的词)I’m proud of me. That I take something bad, I turn it, and I’m going to make something good out of this, all this pieces.

(Tips: 首先,我们看看这里的 “You are too much!”应该怎么理解,too much 是太多的意思,你想一下我们什么情况下会说一个人 “太多”了呢?我们来看一下来自yahoo.com的这句话的英文解释-If someone is "too much" it usually means that the person using the phrase finds them to be a bit out of the ordinary, and a character in a generally entertaining yet unusual way. It usually means that you are annoying, as normally after people say that they want to take a break. I have heard some saying it to me: was because of my extreme energy, talking enthusiastically all the time or asking the person to join me in EVERY thing i do. 大家感受一下。翻译成中文:你真是作死!对不对,这才是标准的越zuo越die啊有木有。所以不要再no zuo no die了,宣传地再好,考托福也是行不通滴,不如老老实实用上咱这简单易懂的 You are too much 吧。其实这句话也可以表示,“你太作”了的意思。实在太好用,拿好不谢。)

That’s Arthur Leipzig’s original photograph I loved. I was a big record collector, the records didn’t make it. Boy, I tell you, film burns. Film burns. I mean, this was 16millimeter safety film. The negatives are gone. That’s my father’s letter to me, telling me to marry the woman I first married when I was 20. Um... That’s my daughter and me. She’s still there. She’s there this morning, actually. That’s my house. My family’s living in the Hilton Hotel in Scotts Valley. That’s my wife, Heidi, who didn’t take it as well as I did. My children, Davey and Henry. My son, Davey, in the hotel two nights ago. So my message to you folks, from my 3 minutes, is that I appreciate the chance to share this with you. I will be back. I love being at TED. I came to live it, and I am living it. That’s my view from my window, outside of Santa Cruz, in Bonny Doon, just 35 miles from here. Thank you everybody.

(最后要讲的一点点就是 这个the records didn’t make it. 很多同学可能在高中课本中学过“make it”这个词组,意思为成功,succeed。但是在这个里面,我们的“make it”是挺过来的意思,比如说你想说小时候被父母扔家里,冰箱里只有一点面包,只能撑两天。那么我们可以说,“There’s only so much bread for me to make it till the day after tomorrow”, 或者某人病重,你说他撑不过明天了, “He probably won’t make it through tomorrow.” 所以在本段中,老爷爷说他心爱的唱片records收藏都没撑过大伙,表示已化为灰烬了。而这里用了make,也相当于类似拟人的用法,跟中文一样儿样儿的。) 




