《美国签证哲学》申诉信范例:在读博士 全奖赴美读化学博士

所属专题:美国留学  来源:    要点:美国留学签证申请  
编辑点评: 本书是作者为学员提供美国签证咨询的经验结晶,是作者在几万人次签证实例基础上的研究成果。书中的拒签申诉信和案例分析,都是实际发生的签证故事。本书是国内第一本关于美国签证的专著,对于欲赴美留学深造的读者,是极其重要的权威指南。

范例16.2 原文

Dear Visa Officer ,

As a Ph.D. student at the Chemistry Department of Peking University, I have been dreaming of going to the United States to complete my graduate studies. My graduate supervisor at Peking University, Dr. Qian Yongqiang, who returned to China after he obtained his Ph.D. degree from Stanford University, also encourages me to pursue my advanced studies in the US because, according to his own experience, a Doctoral degree from the United States for a Chinese student will be shining much brighter in China, thus brings better life to him when he returns. Needlessly to say, chemistry departments in many American universities are the Mecca for chemistry students all around the world.

That is why I feel very disappointed when my application for a student visa to study chemistry in your country was refused on June 17th, 1996. The consul who rejected me assumes that I would not return to China after I finish my studies in the United States. Her decision is not fair because her opinion on my intention is wrong.

1.Thousands and thousands of Chinese students go to the US for their advanced studies each year. Among them were many of my schoolmates from Peking University. More chemistry students went to the United States each year than from other disciplines. As a top rated student at China’s most prestigious Peking University, as well as a student whose graduate supervisor was once too a US visa student returning to China, I should be among the very first to be allowed to come to the US pursuing my academic dreams.

2.For many years, I have loved and studied chemistry in China. My achievement in the field makes me one of the most promising young chemistry scientists in my country. I have ambitious plans to help boosting China’s chemical industry, to stimulate China’s R & D chemistry, and to expedite commercialization of research findings in my major field. All of these passions are on hold deliberately by myself because, as you can appreciate, it will make yet a huge difference to my personal and professional ability if I could spend a couple of years in one of America’s finest chemistry campuses.

3. Finally, I have to admit that an American Ph.D. is a final golden touch to my outstanding academic life so far. It has been a dilemma and

embarrassing reality for Chinese young scholars that a Ph.D. from the United States does attract preferential treatment from all levels of governments and all sorts of employers in my homeland. That is part of the reason that I would like to complete my graduate program at the University of Kansas, where physical chemistry is very well known in our professional community.

On basis of the above reasons, I respectfully request that you reconsider my visa application. Your favorable decision will be greatly appreciated.




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