跟雅思考官学作文 解析剑八T1

所属专题:雅思考试  来源:    要点:雅思写作  
编辑点评: 文中总结了雅思作文的题目的答题方法和应试技巧,帮助考生找到有效的写作思路,取得雅思写作的高分,顺利通过雅思考试,实现自己的留学梦想。


一般说来,一篇250字左右的文章,开头段字数应该控制在50字左右才会比较适中,而考官在此篇文章里就亮出了38个字的开头;另外,开头段是为了呼应考题,引出主体的一个承上启下的部分,因此在写开头段落时考生切记要上下呼应;而与考题呼应最好的方法就是加入背景介绍题中所提的话题内容,甚至是单纯的改写题目也可,如文中:A child’s education has never been about learning information and basic skills only. It has always included teaching the next generation how to be good members of society. 考官就是通过两句话作为背景介绍,引出了题目中所提及的how to be good members部分的问题。

此外,考官也在此段落中给出了表示自己观点的部分:Therefore, this cannot be the responsibility of the parents alone. 这样一来,与题目中的parents还是schools形成了鲜明对照,并且也为全文下面段落的具体论证起到了总起的作用,使文章更有交代,更有凝聚力。


作为discuss both的文章,主体段一般都是2段安排,而且不论两段是相反还是互补关系,字数篇幅都应该相近才对。考官在之前书中有所提及——Cambridge IELTS5 Test3有关竞争与合作的题目中,考官最后给出的参考范文是得分为6分的学生作文,文章共分成4段,结尾段是阐述自己观点和理由的段落,而中间两段分别介绍双方的看法,但是两个段落明显存在长短详略,所以考官给出的评语中有这么一句话:Although the answer considers the main issues in the question, it deals much more with the aspect of “competition” than it does with “cooperation”… 而在这篇文章里,考官也是将两个主体段落安排成82及89的两个段落。

In order to be a good member of any society the individual must respect and obey the rules of their community and share their values. 考官首先点出不仅仅是要学习,之后就根据第一方观点进行讨论,认为家长该在这一教育上发挥作用。Educating children to understand the need to obey rules and respect others always begins in the home and is widely thought to be the responsibility of parents. They will certainly be the first to help children learn what is important in life, how they are expected to behave and what role they will play in their world.

However(利用转折词however来连接过渡到另一方观点十分自然顺畅), learning to understand and share the value system of a whole society cannot be achieved just in the home. Once a child goes to school, they are entering a wider community where teachers and peers will have just as much influence as their parents do at home. At school, children will experience working and living with people from a whole variety of backgrounds from the wider society. This experience should teach them how to co-operate with each other and how to contribute to the life of their community.

主体两段都提出双方看法,但是值得注意的是考官并没有按照常规使用some people和others来引出段落中心,而是直接进行证明阐述了,因为考官已经将主体段落与他自己的观点进行了完全的融合,而不是独立自己的观点在外的,考生们可以学会使用和模仿。


But to be a valuable member of any community is not like learning a simple skill. It is something that an individual goes on learning throughout life and it is the responsibility of every member of a society to take responsibility for helping the younger generation to become active and able members of that society. 正如普通结尾段落一样,考官在安排时也是将自己观点亮明,但是不同以往的是考官倒没有更多地出现能直接表明自己观点的字眼,如as far as I am concerned或是to my way of thinking, 但是即使没有这些字眼,我们还是不难发现考官的观点;不过朗阁海外考试研究中心倒是建议各位考生能在写作时直接出现一些必要的连接词或是插入语,可以更好地帮助自己表明观点和态度。







